I'm entering (another) competition

by Harry Boddice in

Well, I don’t think it’s a competition exactly - there’s no prize - but the process is much the same. You upload some work to a website and some judges judge it. I’m hoping to hear back in November that my works have been selected to be shown at the Society of Scottish Artists’ 125th Annual Exhibition in Ayr. In any event, I’d really like to go and see it, whether I am selected or not. I haven’t been to an exhibition opening in ages, so it would be fantastic.

I entered two pieces that I felt were the best of my work and appropriate to the artist’s statement I wrote on my SSA members page - Early Morning Edinburgh and Bluebells in Oil

I’ve reworked some of my members profile at the SSA website Harry Boddice – Society of Scottish Artists (s-s-a.org) for those interested.

I'm entering a competition!

by Harry Boddice

The competition in question is the Scottish Portrait and Landscape Awards 2023 (see: Scottish Landscape Awards — Scottish Arts Trust) which I am very excited about. I really enjoyed the fire it lit under me to produce something special specifically for the Awards and I think its resulted in one of my best pieces of this year.

I’m really looking forward to seeing all the other entries at the Awards later on this year in Edinburgh - the exhibition runs from 4th November 2023 to 3rd March 2024.

I've been working on new paintings!

by Harry Boddice

An underpainting of a painting of Velvet shank mushrooms

I've been working on new paintings constantly, and I've been developing a new practice, new materials, and new techniques. It's not always easy, and it's often hard to remember to keep taking pictures while I do.

I've always maintained a social media presence as an illustrator, and keeping those two things totally separate isn't serving me at all, so I've been including some images of my work from both sides of the work, on both sides.

Moved to Falkirk

by Harry Boddice

In late October in 2018, I moved with my family to Falkirk, which is a historic industrial town about an hour away from either Edinburgh or Glasgow. It’s situated in some relaly nice farming country, has a series of interesting canals and associated buildings, and a surprising abundances of cafes that do good cakes and coffee. i havent met much of an art society yet, but hopefully over the next year or so I will find my people, as I always do when I move to a new place. Its a friendly place too! you can get a strangers life story on the bus before you ever learn their name, and my daughter loves being so close to the woodland walks in the area west of Falkirk - along the actual roman history of the Antonine wall. its beautiful in many ways here, and I look forward to seeing it all in spring and summer!