I'm entering (another) competition

by Harry Boddice in

Well, I don’t think it’s a competition exactly - there’s no prize - but the process is much the same. You upload some work to a website and some judges judge it. I’m hoping to hear back in November that my works have been selected to be shown at the Society of Scottish Artists’ 125th Annual Exhibition in Ayr. In any event, I’d really like to go and see it, whether I am selected or not. I haven’t been to an exhibition opening in ages, so it would be fantastic.

I entered two pieces that I felt were the best of my work and appropriate to the artist’s statement I wrote on my SSA members page - Early Morning Edinburgh and Bluebells in Oil

I’ve reworked some of my members profile at the SSA website Harry Boddice – Society of Scottish Artists (s-s-a.org) for those interested.

Sweet Teaching gig!

by Harry Boddice in

HI folks!

I've just started teaching Introduction to Drawing and Introduction to Oil Painting at a local community centre! It's a lot of fun and I love being able to be supportive and encouraging to my students, and introducing them to the wide variety of techniques and materials that I think they'll love!